About our Callused Cuttings(Page)

Florida Colors Nursery is always trying to make it easier for customers to care for plumeria. Starting June 5th we will be offering Callused Cutting. We are doing everything we can to make sure you h ...

Garden Myth(Page)

Bloom Booster – Fertilizer Nonsense #5 By Robert Pavlis on July 6, 2015 Bloom Boosters are said to increase the number of flowers on your plant. Nonsense. They don’t work, a ...

Winter Care for Plumeria Guide(Page)

Plumeria Winter Care and Storage It is imperative to protect your plumeria from frost and from freezing. If temperatures are forecast to dip to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or if you have a frost w ...

About Plumeria Fragrances(Page)

The Plumeria smells is unique, like no other flower. Each cultivar has its own unique fragrance. The flowers are often very fragrant, the palette of their smells covers lots of nuances: soft, fruity, ...

What is Hydrogen Peroxide(Page)

What is Hydrogen Peroxide? This is a colorless, sharp-smelling chemical which looks a bit like water. It is commonly used for household uses such as disinfectant and in cleaning products. I ...

How to Root Plumeria Cuttings Guide(Page)

Excalibur's Secrets to Success(Page)

The Secrets to Excalibur Plumeria Fertilizers Success. Introduction Plumeria, commonly known as Frangipani, is more than just a plant – it's a botanical jewel cherished by gardeners and flo ...

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