
Plumeria Cuttings

Florida Colors Nursery is now offering fresh callused plumeria cuttings
and plumeria cuttings in black plastic rooting tubes.
(Limited available on select cutivars, if we have enough interest we will have more in the Spring.)


Shop for Rooted Cuttings in Tubes - In Stock

We at Florida Colors Nursery are thrilled to announce that we now offer fresh plumeria cuttings that have already begun to callus, as well as plumeria cuttings housed in black plastic rooting tubes, which have initiated the rooting process. While availability may be limited for certain varieties, we are prepared to increase our stock based on demand.

Here's what you need to know about our new products:

Our cuttings are designed to ensure successful propagation. They have been allowed to form a callus, a necessary step for root formation. Despite the fact that our cuttings are well-callused and some have started to sprout roots, we recommend treating them as if they were newly callused.

If you opt for a cutting in a rooting tube, it's likely to have already started rooting. However, we advise leaving it in the tube for now. You can stabilize the tube by setting it in a pot filled with pea gravel or a similar medium.

Choose a location for your cutting that's warm, dry, and partially sunlit. Good air circulation around the cutting is crucial, and it's important to ensure the cutting does not get waterlogged.

If the cutting appears dehydrated or wrinkled, a daily light misting can help until the wrinkles have diminished or disappeared.

Monitor the tips of the cuttings. They should remain green and begin to produce leaves almost immediately.

Inspect the cutting regularly to ensure it's not becoming soft at the top or in the middle. If you detect any signs of softening, please contact us immediately.

Allow the cutting to develop 3 or 4 full-sized leaves before moving it to a 1-gallon pot. This process can take several weeks to several months, depending on your local climate and the specific cultivar.

After the leaves have formed, water the cutting once or twice a week, ensuring the soil dries out between watering sessions.

The sooner you plant the cuttings after leaf growth, the more likely they are to thrive.

Preparing the Perfect Potting Soil Mix for Plumeria

To create an ideal potting mix for plumeria, combine equal parts of potting soil (without fertilizer), peat, and Perlite. Ensuring your soil mix drains well is crucial for the health of your plumeria.

Potting Your Plumeria Cutting

Moisten your potting mix until it clumps together but isn't waterlogged. Use a 1-gallon pot (or larger for bigger cuttings) with ample drain holes.

Each cutting should have its own pot. Fill the pot halfway with soil mix, then carefully place the rooted cutting in the center, taking care not to damage the new roots. Firm the soil gently around the cutting.

Next, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of Excalibur Plumeria Fertilizer (or similar fertilizer) around the soil surface. Continue filling the pot with soil, ensuring the fertilizer is covered. Water the pot thoroughly, adding more soil if needed, and water again to ensure the soil is adequately moist.

Remember, while plumeria loves water, its roots should not remain wet. If necessary, use bamboo stakes to stabilize the cutting and prevent movement from wind or animals, which could damage the new roots.

Position your potted cutting in a warm spot and gradually expose it to more sunlight each day, moving it to full sun after about a week. Be sure the soil does not stay wet for any length of time.

Caring for Your Newly Potted Plumeria

After approximately 6-8 weeks, you can start treating your newly rooted plumeria as a mature plant. Monitor the soil and water it when dry. We recommend using a water meter from a home improvement store like Lowes or Home Depot to ensure your soil maintains the right moisture balance.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to email us at or call us at 305-258-1086.